Monday, August 22, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The play is called Red Pepper.
The playwright is Suzanne Willet.
The setting is a political backdrop of United States history.
One of the primary characters is former Florida senator, Claude Pepper.
And the actor playing Claude Pepper is Jared O’Roark.
Wait a freaking second!!! That’s me! What the…I am not an actor, well I’m not an actor first and foremost, at least, I’m a writer. Writing is my love. It’s my heart. I haven’t been on stage with characters that haven’t come out of my head in six years!! What the hell am I thinking? I’m scared out of my ever-loving mind!
“I’m scared,” that’s what I was thinking. When Suzanne called me up and asked me to play the role of Claude Pepper, my initial feeling was fear. I get scared when I don’t know if I can do a good job. And I have to be honest, I DON’T KNOW IF I CAN DO A GOOD JOB!!!!
That’s why I agreed to do the play. I am 32 years old, and I am following the trend of the world…as the years pass, I don’t get any younger like I would like…I get older. Therefore, I decided that if I am to become any better of a human being, and grow like I would like, I am going to have to take on new challenges…
WHEN FEAR LOOKS AT ME IN THE FACE, I DON’T WANT TO RETREAT, I WANT TO CHARGE AHEAD!!! (Okay, except with rollercoasters, I don’t like metal deathtraps.)
I took the job because I love and believe in the power of theater so much. I believe that when it comes to the performing arts, theater is the most powerful and the most personal form of expression. Sure the actors on TV or movies are expressing themselves, but they don’t have to experience the audiences reaction live to the touch. Theater provides the audience the power to instantly show their feeling. Theater provides the actor the power to feel that appreciation (or sometimes, not-so) while they are performing.
I also accepted this job to say to myself that, “Jared, you are not going to get better as a person, if you don’t look fear in the face, and fight it back.”
I deal with teenagers (and adult teenagers) on almost a daily basis, and I always tell them that life is scary, and that you have to go after the things that you want. And you have to take risks, and you have to challenge yourself. I decided to put my foot where my mouth was, and practice what I preach. This is not going to be easy. It is going to be hard. I already see improvisation on the list, and a bit freaking out (as it puts actors in the most vulnerable position.) And it is going to be scary, but you know how the saying goes…
“We have nothing to fear but…” well you get the idea.
Walk forward.
Lion’s den.